Medication Info

    Daily or Routine Medication

    A medication permission form must be filled out and signed by the physician and the parent, see link below. Please remember that an adult must deliver the prescription medication to the school. All medication must be in the original container.

    Medication Administration Form


    Self-administration and Storage: STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CARRY OR SELF-ADMINISTER MEDICATION AT SCHOOL. (Exceptions are made for carrying EpiPens and Inhalers with special emergency planning. See next the paragraph and contact the school nurse.)

    We have many OTC meds in the health office, Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, Tums, Bacitracin, Benadryl to name a few. If you child needs these occasionally they can come in and use the stock here. Each August Families will need to login to SNAP and "opt-in" to each OTC medication they are okay with the student getting.

    If your child requires a daily OTC medication I ask that you send in a supply for your child. All medications will be secured in the Nurse’s Office for the school year, but should be taken home during the summer.

    Short-term Medications (antibiotics, eye drops etc)

    Original Containers: You should ask the pharmacy about providing two prescription bottles, so you will have one for school. If you do not have a second bottle, please label and repackage your home medication, so that the school has the original container. Medication will not be given from a baggie.


    If your child has a severe allergy (such as peanut, shell fish, or bees), please fill out an Individual Allergy Emergency Plan in addition to traditional medication permits (see below). This form must be filled out and signed by the physician as well as the parent. An Allergy Action Plan from your child’s physician is also acceptable. The plan will be copied and sent with your child on a field trip. There is an RN available 8a-3:10p daily and trained staff will be available on field trips or for after school activities to handle an allergy emergency. EpiPens/Epinephrine must be provided by the parents. If your child is doing activities outside of the normal school day, please be sure your child carries an EpiPen and that you communicate with the advisor. Check expiration dates on EpiPens. They deteriorate quickly and should be replaced when they expire. Ideally the allergic student will carry an EpiPen/Epinephrine (and Benadryl or inhalers as ordered) and the nurse will keep a spare in the Nurse’s Office. Please be sure to designate where the Epipen will be located on the Emergency Plan.

    Individualized Allergy Emergency Plan


    The state requires that all children who have an inhaler have a medication permission to use the inhaler at school from the doctor. The doctor should sign that the student carry it. An Individual Asthma Emergency Plan should be filled out and signed by both the parent and the physician. You may substitute an Asthma Action Plan provided by your child’s doctor. These forms are also copied and sent on field trips, so that the teacher has the most up to date information. If a student is not reliable to keep an inhaler in their backpack, we recommend they keep a backup inhaler in the Nurse’s Office. It is helpful if inhalers have the prescription label directly on the inhaler, rather than the box. You may need to ask the pharmacist to do this. In addition, all students who are carrying their own inhalers should meet with the school nurse for a safety review.

    Medication Administration Form